Volleyball Settings
While in a volleyball game, press the GAME SETUP key to modify the following game settings:
Period Time = 60:00 (minutes:seconds)
Timer Direction = DOWN
Number of Games = 5
Number of Timeout = 2
Timeout Time = 0:30
Show Timer Tenths = NO
Clock Function = TIMER
Automatic Horn = NO
Ask Player Stats? = NO
Stats Only Mode = NO
Adjust game settings from the Game Setup menu as described in Change Game Settings.
Display Time-of-Day
To display the time-of-day in the timer field, there are two options:
Press the Time of Day key on the keyboard to change between time of day clock and timer.
Change the 7. Clock Function game setting to CLOCK to show time of day until next change.
Blank Timer
To blank the timer field, change the 7. Clock Function game setting to OFF to blank the timer field. Once this is set the Time of Day key will toggle the scoreboard timer field between blank and showing the timer value.
Timeout Timer
When the Timeout -1 key is pressed, a timeout timer field pops up on the display to assist timing the timeout length. The default timeout length is set in Game Settings menu 5. Timeout Time option.
To change the value use the number keypad. For example, to set a 1 minute, 30 second timeout press 1, 3, and 0 keys.
Press the ENTER key to start the timeout timer.
Press the CLEAR key to stop the timeout timer and return to normal display. The timeout counter will update with the number of timeouts remaining.
Show Timer Tenths
When setting Show Timer Tenths is set to YES, in the last minute of each period, the scoreboard timer will change to show seconds.tenths (SS.T). The console display will also then change to show minutes:seconds.tenths (MM:SS.T) indicating that last minute tenths mode is enabled. When set to NO the timer will display minutes:seconds (MM:SS).
Automatic Horn
When this game setting is set to YES, and the timer reaches 0:00, the horn will sound automatically.
Player Statistics
Enable the tracking of player statistics by setting “Ask Player Stats?” to YES. With that enabled, the PLAYER IN/OUT, EDIT KILLS, EDIT ACES, and EDIT DIGS keys will be enabled. Also when using the KILLS +1, ACES +1, and DIGS +1 keys, the console will prompt for the player number. Player statistics data will also be sent to the scoreboards for both teams.
When “Ask Player Stats?” is set to no, the statistics entry keys will be disabled.
Stats Only Mode
Enable a specialized mode that focuses on tracking player statistics by setting “Stats Only Mode?” to YES. If stats only mode is active then the PLAYER IN/OUT, EDIT KILLS, EDIT ACES, and EDIT DIGS keys are made available. Also, when using the KILLS +1, ACES +1, and DIGS +1 keys the console will prompt for the number of the player responsible for that kill, ace, or dig. Player statistics data will get sent to the scoreboards for both teams.
While in stats only mode all other keys aside from those listed above and the GAME SETUP, SYSTEM SETUP, SELECT, ENTER, CLEAR, Arrow, and number pad keys will be disabled.