Segment Timer Settings
While in Segment Timer, press the GAME SETUP key to modify the following settings:
Work Time = 2:00.0
Timer Direction = DOWN
Show Timer Tenths = NO
Number Segments = 10
Rest Time = 0:30.0
Start Horn Tenths = 1
End Horn Tenths = 5
Adjust settings from the Game Setup menu as described in Change Game Settings.
Work Time
Duration of the Work portion of each segment. Also time shown on the timer when RESET TIME key is pressed. By default the timer will be reset to 2:00 and set for counting down when this key is pressed.
Show Timer Tenths
Displaying tenths of a second in the final minute of time is enabled in Segment Timer with setting Show Timer Tenths = YES. If the desired display is to not show tenths of a second, set this setting to NO.
Number Segments
When defining a new workout, this is the number of Work/Rest cycles in the workout. All work and rest cycles will be equal length in the basic workout defined in the Segment Timer Settings screen.
Rest Time
Duration of the Rest portion of each segment. By default the rest time occurs after each work time. Setting the rest time to 0 eliminates the rest portion of each segment from the workout.
Start Horn Tenths
Duration in tenths of a second which the horn should sound indicating the start of the Work portion of a segment. This can be set to 0 to not sound the horn at the beginning of a segment work period.
End Horn Tenths
Duration which the horn should sound to indicate the end of the Work portion of a segment. The unit of time the horn sounds is number of tenths of a second. For instance, to sound the horn for 1/2 of a second, set the End Horn Tenths = 5.
New Workout
Press the SELECT YES/NO key to set the value to YES and press ENTER key to define a new workout using all the settings currently displayed on the Segment Timer Settings screen. A new workout will be created replacing the current workout.