Basketball Settings

While in a basketball game, press the GAME SETUP key to modify the following game settings:



  1. Period Time = 8:00

  2. Shot Time 1 = 35

  3. Shot Time 2 = 15

  4. Number of Periods = 4

  5. Bonus Threshold = 6

  6. Double Bonus = 9

  7. Show Timer Tenths = YES

  8. Intermission Time = 12:00

  9. Number of Timeouts = 5




  2. Ask Player Stats? = NO

  3. Show Shot Tenth? = NO

  4. T.O. Reset @ Half? = YES

  5. Stats Only Mode? = NO

Adjust game settings from the Game Setup menu as described in Change Game Settings.

Disable Shot Clock

In order to disable the shot clock display on the console and blank the shot clock scoreboards, set the value of Shot Time 1 = 0 and Shot Time 2 = 0.

Disable Auto Bonus

If the bonus / double bonus indicators are to be controlled manually, set the value of Bonus Threshold = 0 and Double Bonus = 0.

Show Timer Tenths

When setting Show Timer Tenths is set to YES, in the last minute of each period, the scoreboard timer will change to show seconds.tenths (SS.T). The console display will also then change to show minutes:seconds.tenths (MM:SS.T) indicating that last minute tenths mode is enabled. When set to NO the timer will display minutes:seconds (MM:SS).

Intermission Time

The intermission time setting is used when the Half Time Reset key is pressed. The intermission time is displayed on the timer, team fouls count, player foul fields, and bonus indicators are cleared. The horn will not sound when this timer expires. When the Reset Time key is pressed, scoreboard timer will display the next period time. Also, the console display will update with the cleared foul and bonus fields.

Timeout Timer

When the Timeout -1 key is pressed, a timeout timer field pops up on the display to assist timing the timeout length. The default timeout length is 1 minute. A general purpose timeout timer key is just to the right of the Edit Shot Clock key.

  1. To change the value use the number keypad. For example, to set a 30 second timeout press the 3 key followed by 0 key.

  2. Press the ENTER key to start the timeout timer.

  3. Press the CLEAR key to stop the timeout timer and return to normal display. The timeout counter will update with the number of timeouts remaining.

Player Statistics

Enable the tracking of player fouls and points by setting “Ask Player Stats?” to YES. With that enabled, the PLAYER IN/OUT, HOME SCORE STATS, and GUEST SCORE STATS keys will be enabled. Also when using the score + and - keys, the console will prompt for the player number on the team who scored. Player statistics data will also be sent to the scoreboards for both teams.

When “Ask Player Stats?” is set to no, only PLAYER FOUL +1 keys will prompt for the player number. Statistics keys other than HOME FOUL STATS and GUEST FOUL STATS will be disabled.

Reset Timeouts at Half

By default, when pressing the HALF RESET key, the timeouts are reset to the Number of Timeouts game setting value. To disable the timeout reset, adjust the game setting T.O. Reset @ Half to NO.

Stats Only Mode

Enable a specialized mode that focuses on tracking player fouls and points by setting “Stats Only Mode?” to YES. If stats only mode is active then the PLAYER IN/OUT, HOME SCORE STATS, and GUEST SCORE STATS keys are made available. Also, when using the score + and - keys the console will prompt for the player number on the team who scored. Player statistics data will get sent to the scoreboards for both teams.

Furthermore, team fouls, timeouts, period, posession, bonus, all team scoring options, and all timer functions are disabled while in stats only mode. In addition to that, the + and - score keys will ask for the scoring player’s number and will NOT affect a team’s total score.