Segment Timer Operation

Default Segment Timer Settings are adjusted using the Game Setup menu options.

  1. Configure the segment timer settings screen appropriately for the workout to be executed.

  2. Select option 0. New Workout? and set value to YES to create a workout with these settings.

  3. Begin executing the first segment Work Time period by pressing the timer START/STOP key.

  4. After the Work Time has completed, the horn signals the end of the work portion of the segment. The Rest Time portion of the segment is then automatically loaded on the timer and started.

  5. When the Rest Time has completed, the horn signals the end of the rest portion of the segment. The SEGMENT NUMBER is incremented, and the next Work Time is loaded on the timer and started.

  6. Once the SEGMENT NUMBER is equal to SEGMENT TOTAL, and the Rest Time has completed, the workout is complete.

  7. Use the RESTART WORKOUT key to restart the workout with the same settings, or configure a new workout from the Game Setup menu options.

Timer Functions

  • START/STOP: Starts and stops the main timer.

  • Up/Down: Change the direction of the timer. Default direction is count DOWN.

  • Edit Time: Key in the new time followed by ENTER, For tenths of a second, key in five (5) or seven (7) digits. For example, key in 00524 ENTER to change the clock to 0:52.4.

  • Reset Time: Resets the time back to the default Work Time specified in the Game Settings menu.

Segment Number

  • Current segment number is shown on the left side of the screen and in the HOME score field on the scoreboard.

  • Adjust the current executing segment number by pressing segment keys (+1 -1) or the edit segment key.

  • Edit the segment using the number pad and the ENTER key. CLEAR key is used to exit edit mode without changes.

Segment Total

  • Displays the total number of segments in the workout.

  • Defined in the Game Setup menu option Number of Segments: when configuring a new workout.

Work Time

  • Denotes that the current time displayed is the Work Time portion of the segment.

  • The scoreboard may illuminate the HOME POSSESSION indicator during Work Time.

Rest Time

  • Denotes that the current time displayed is the Rest Time portion of the segment.

  • The scoreboard may illuminate the GUEST POSSESSION indicator during Rest Time.

Restart Workout

  • Restart the workout using the same parameters by pressing the RESTART WORKOUT key.

  • To define different workout parameters, enter the Game Setup menu and adjust settings. Refer to the Segment Timer Settings for defining workout parameters.