Hockey Settings

While in a hockey game, press the GAME SETUP key to modify the following game settings:


  1. Game Time = 20:00

  2. Show Timer Tenths = NO

  3. Horn Length Tenths = 40

  4. Number of Periods = 3

  5. Number of Timeout = 1

  6. Timeout Time = 1:00

  7. Intermission Time = 10:00

  8. Minor Penalty Time = 2:00

  9. Major Penalty Time = 5:00

Adjust game settings from the Game Setup menu as described in Change Game Settings.

Game Time

Game Time setting defines the length of a hockey period. The default value is set to 20 minutes. To change the default period time, choose 1. Game Time and press SELECT YES / NO key to edit the value. Key in the minutes and seconds of the new default period length and press ENTER to accept. Press CANCEL to exit edit mode without changes.

Show Timer Tenths

When setting Show Timer Tenths is set to YES, in the last minute of each period, the scoreboard timer will change to show seconds.tenths (SS.T). The console display will also then change to show minutes:seconds.tenths (MM:SS.T) indicating that last minute tenths mode is enabled. When set to NO the timer will display minutes:seconds (MM:SS).

Horn Length Tenths

Defines the length of time which the end-of-period automatic horn sounds. The time is defined in units of tenths of a second. Using the default setting of 40, the end-of-period automatic horn will sound for four (4) seconds.

Intermission Time

The intermission time setting is used when the Intermission key is pressed. The intermission time is displayed on the timer and timeouts are reset. Penalty timers are stopped during intermission. When the RESET TIME key is pressed, scoreboard timer will display the next period time, and penalty timers will resume running on the next clock start.

Penalty Timers

Set the value of the Minor and Major Penalty timers on the game settings screen. The default Minor penalty time is 2 minutes, and Major penalty time is 5 minutes. When a player penalty timer is added, the minor or major penalty time choices will reflect these values.